How To Get New Patients: 5 Things Dentists Can Do Today!

Life as a dentist is incredibly demanding. Between patient appointments, administrative duties, and keeping up with advances in dental technology, it’s safe to say you’ve got your hands full. That’s precisely why we’re here—to streamline how you do things as a dentist and make your life easier. It’s important to understand that following the steps […]

How to get new patients. Graphic with happy people in line.

Life as a dentist is incredibly demanding. Between patient appointments, administrative duties, and keeping up with advances in dental technology, it’s safe to say you’ve got your hands full. That’s precisely why we’re here—to streamline how you do things as a dentist and make your life easier. It’s important to understand that following the steps we outline below will not magically get your practice new patients, but each is a step in the right direction to boosting your dental practice’s production. Remember, inches make up yards, and when you consistently do the right things over and over again, eventually, it will pay off and be part of your success story.

Below are five actionable steps you can start implementing today to give your practice the competitive edge it deserves. If you don’t feel like reading, watch this episode of Bite-Sized Dental Marketing, where our dental marketing expert explains the five action items in this article:

So what’s our best advice? It boils down to your willingness to go above and beyond what’s expected—not just in patient care but also in how you attract new patients. This blog is your roadmap to do just that.

1.) Optimize Your Google Business Profile and Keep It Updated

Your Google Business Profile (GBP) is often the first impression potential patients have of your dental practice. A well-optimized GBP can significantly impact your local dental SEO (Learn more about dental SEO here), putting you right where you want to be—in front of prospective patients. Google loves it when you keep your information current because it shows you’re an active and engaged business. Regularly update your profile with new posts, images, and any changes to your office hours or services.

google business profile for dentists

Action Item: Schedule 30 minutes each week to review and update your GBP profile. Consider posting weekly updates that feature patient testimonials, before-and-after pictures, or details about new dental technologies you’re using in your practice. If you do not have a Google Business Profile for your dental practice, here’s an article and how-to video on how to create and claim your Google Business Profile.

2.) Get Reviews On Your Google Business Profile

Once you have optimized your Google Business Profile, it’s time to focus on getting as many reviews as you possibly can! Google reviews are gold when it comes to validating your practice’s reputation and credibility. From a dental SEO standpoint, high-quality and numerous reviews can elevate your listing in search results. However, their value isn’t just for show; prospective patients often read these reviews as a decisive factor in choosing a dentist. The more reviews you have, the more Google and potential new patients will trust you. Remember, the goal of online marketing is to be seen, and if your business has the most reviews out of all the dentists in your area, you will stand out and be most likely to attract new patients to your dental office.

google reviews for dentists

Action Item: Implement a post-appointment workflow where your staff politely asks satisfied patients for a review. Make it easier by offering a QR code that patients can scan, directing them straight to your Google Business Profile profile to leave a review. It’s important to know that not all reviews will be five stars. If you do get a negative review, don’t stress. Here’s how you can respond to negative dental reviews with examples.

3.) Implement a Patient Referral Program for Existing Patients

Referrals from existing patients are incredibly powerful. A recommendation from a trusted friend or family member can carry more weight than multiple online reviews. Consider creating a structured referral program that rewards your current patients for their loyalty and for bringing new patients to your practice. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get more dental referrals.

Dental patient and Financial coordinator having a conversation

Action Item: Develop a patient referral rewards program. For example, for each new patient referred, offer a $25 Amazon gift card. For five new patients, offer something more substantial, like a free cleaning or a discount on a higher-value service. This is where you need to get creative and determine what makes sense financially for your dental practice.

4.) Boots on the Ground Work – Get Involved in the Community

As mentioned in the introduction of this article, if you want to perform better than most dentists, you need to be willing to do more than most dentists. One way to go the extra mile is to put boots on the ground and get involved in your community.

As a dentist, you are well aware of the impact of personal connections. Community involvement positions you not just as a healthcare provider but as a community member and somebody who cares. From sponsoring a local sports team to participating in health fairs, these interactions build a personal brand and often lead to new patient appointments.

Action Item: Identify at least two community events for the next quarter that your practice can sponsor or participate in. Allocate resources to prepare informational kits, banners, and perhaps some branded merchandise to give away.

5.) Offer New Patient Specials

In today’s challenging economic environment, the U.S. is grappling with high inflation rates. According to the latest report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual inflation rate in May of this year was 8.6%, its highest level since 1981, as measured by the consumer price index. Other inflation metrics have also shown significant increases over the past year.

Interest rates have also risen, affecting the average American’s purchasing power and financial flexibility. The Federal Reserve recently announced it was leaving its benchmark interest rate unchanged at a 22-year high but signaled it could hike rates again in its fight to bring down inflation. These factors make people more cautious about where and how they spend their hard-earned money. However, this isn’t a sign for you to haphazardly slash prices across the board. The goal is to offer value, making every dollar spent at your practice stretch a little further for your potential patients.

Important: When crafting your new patient specials, ensure they resonate with your practice’s overall brand and values. Avoid discounting complex treatments, as it might inadvertently send a message of compromised quality. Instead, opt for specials that can serve as a low-risk introduction to your services.

Action Item: Create new patient specials that offer tangible value without undermining your brand. Consider a discounted initial consultation package that includes a basic cleaning and a set of X-rays. Alternatively, you could offer a complimentary teeth whitening kit for all new patients upon their first visit. Use the power of social media and your website to publicize these specials. Not only does this maximize visibility, but it also reassures prospective patients that they’re getting more bang for their buck when they choose your practice. And in this economy, that’s not just good business—it’s compassionate care.

Need Help Making This Happen? We Can Help!

From optimizing your Google My Business profile and gathering impactful reviews to harnessing the power of patient referrals and embedding yourself in the community, each strategy serves as a cornerstone for success. Layer in thoughtful new patient specials that align with current economic trends and your practice’s values, and you’re well on your way to building a thriving business. Take things step by step and stay consistent. Consistency is so important, and it’s how you increase your new patient numbers and the success of your practice!

Suppose you do find yourself short on time to implement these strategies effectively. We are here to help. At Pain-Free Dental Marketing, we specialize in helping dental practices like yours flourish. With experience managing marketing for hundreds of dental practices, we understand what it takes to make a meaningful difference in your patient numbers and bottom line. We’re here to handle the complexities of marketing, allowing you to focus on providing excellent dental care.

Pain-Free Dental Marketing team member answering the phone.

So, if you’re a dentist who simply doesn’t have the time to make these action items happen, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re committed to making your marketing as pain-free as possible while helping you realize the vision you’ve always had for your practice!